Coding & design by Kibabic Studio, 2002-2005

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ID 4741
NamePictures add-on
Model CX75v25
Type System
Depends on:2Cart!/4063 - Pictures add-on v5.1
2Cart!/4737 - Master-patch v11
2Cart!/4736 - Functions Library (SWI) v110111

This patch made for changing and adding pictures in the mobile.
After installing this patch for changing some picture you should:
1. Prepare gpf-file.
2. Upload it into mobile to folder "0:\Misc\Patches\GPF".
3. Restart the phone.
That's all ! No more graph-patches, lets work with gpaph-files.
PS. Graph-file can have any name. But, if it begins with underscore - this file will be skipped.

For creating gpf-file:
1. Upload your picture in some fubu using SPC3.
2. Open this fubu in Smelter.
3. Pictures - RightClick - Save picture as GPF.

Download count: 4359
Added in DB at 25.08.2006, added by sempai
Updated at 25.08.2006 01:09 by sempai

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25.08.2006 18:52, sempai

OK "sound after data received" will be soon.
1. Function Library
2. Big Function Library
3. APIv14 and add this please

#pragma enable old_equal_ff
;Process Files
0FCF3A0: 03B5FFB0FFB0011C0CA81ADF0CA950A8
0FCF3B0: 4CAA6BDF002824D00CA950A8A923C35C
0FCF3C0: 5F2B19D083DF0CA86A4601A984DF0198
0FCF3D0: 0004C00F06D10CA80DA117DFFF99FFF7
0FCF3E0: DFFF09E0FF9A002A06D00CA8694611DF
0FCF3F0: 011C0098FF9A904750A84CA96CDF0028
0FCF400: DAD150A84CA96DDF7FB07FB003BDC046
0FCF410: 5C2A00
#pragma disable old_equal_ff

4. Master-patch v11
5. SWI-hook
then turn on the phone. start REMOTESYNCh. u must to hear the beep. that's OK. turn off and install other patches
6. Pictures add-on v5.1
7. Mainscreen-dispatcher v3
8. Picture Relocation

25.08.2006 10:52, ah2002

This patch cause my phone not to start. when I remove it, my phone starts normally
can u help????? I added all patches needed for this "Pictures add-on". ??????????
Also I need "sound after data received" patch for FW25
