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ID 3570
NamePictures add-on
Model S75v32
Type MP+FL-dependent
Depends on:2Cart!/3569 - Pictures add-on v5
 This patch is an entrypoint for 3569
This patch made for changing and adding pictures in the mobile.
After installing this patch for changing some picture you should:
1. Prepare gpf-file.
2. Upload it into mobile to folder "0:\Misc\Patches\GPF" (or to subfolder).
3. Run Refresher.
That's all ! No more graph-patches, lets work with gpaph-files.
PS. Graph-file can have any name. But, if it begins with underscore - this file will be skipped.

Format of gpf-file:
0x00: db "GraphicPatchFile"
0x10: dd Number, Description, 0, 0
0x20: db data...
Description is 4 bytes: X, Y, Compression&Bits, 0
Merging several such files gives to us gpn-file. It can be processed too.

For creating gpf-file:
1. Upload your picture in some fubu using SPC3.
2. Open this fubu in Smelter.
3. Pictures - RightClick - Save picture as GPF.

Download count: 911
Added in DB at 01.06.2006, added by perk11
Updated at 01.06.2006 16:30 by perk11

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